Showing 109–120 of 230 results

AFL 12 CT SM I/O Armored Riser Fiber Optic Cable KR0129651801-AIAR -1155′

$1 720.00
  AFL 12 CT SM I/O Armored Riser Fiber Optic Cable KR0129651801-AIAR -1155′ The AFL KR0129651801-AIAR Indoor/Outdoor Singlemode armored tight

AFL 12 CT SM I/O Plenum Fiber Optic Cable KQ0129611801 -2000′

$1 416.00
  AFL 12 CT SM I/O Plenum Fiber Optic Cable KQ0129611801 -2000′ AFL’s KQ0129611801 12 fiber Singlemode Bend Insensitive Indoor/Outdoor

AFL 18 Fiber Riser Breakout Cable, Hybrid-12MM 5/6SM,MSHA Rated

18 Fiber Riser Breakout Cable, Hybrid-12MM 5/6SM , MSHA Rated 212′ $1.45 per foot AFL – BR018X2422Z1 WILL SELL SMALLER

AFL 24 CT SM I/O TB Armored Riser Fiber Optic Cable KR0249871801-AIAR -1018′

$2 264.00
  AFL 24 CT SM I/O TBArmored Riser Fiber Optic Cable KR0249871801-AIAR -1018′ The AFL KR0249871801-AIAR Indoor/Outdoor Singlemode armored tight

AFL CP012L551C01-BIF 12 CT Multimode Plenum OFNP OM3 Aqua-995′

  AFL CP012L551C01 12 fiber OM3 Tight Buffer Indoor Circular Premise Cable design allows for excellent density, flexibility, and ease